Krissy Black
So, my dream was to have a big beautiful paint horse for as long as I can remember. I have a preference for mares, because they wear tbeir hearts right out there in the open. This is what I told Julie, when looking for our 5th horse from CHC. Stormy had a different story than most CHC horses. But, she was still a "good horse" who deserved a good chance. Storm was green broke when we brought her home. One month later she was standing quietly in a stall at a Smokerise Ranch and was riding confidently through Hocking Hills, Oh. This girl loves her job and, for us, has NEVER faltered. She loves her boyfriend, Magic (CHC horse #4). I swear, he smelled Julie's barn on her when we brought her home and they have been inseparable ever since... So, this big beautiful paint horse, that I dreamed of, she fell in love with my husband. But that gives me a great point of view to take her picture!! My barn has been full of CHC horses for YEARS! And if, god forbid, ever an empty stall there be.... Julie Copper is guaranteed to fill it. ❤